Thursday, September 24, 2015

September 24th - Negatives to Positives

Before I begin my actual blog for this week, I want to stop and say thank you to everyone for their encouragement and support in this tough time in my life.  While I created this blog with the intent to help me process my struggle and help others along the way, I am still a long ways away from recovery.

That being said, these past few days have had some interesting break throughs but some other steps backwards.  First, the steps backwards have been that my migraines have began to show up a little more and I have not been able to pinpoint what the exact trigger has been as they have been both occurred whether I have eaten or not.  So between doctors and myself, we are trying to figure that mystery out.  On the eating front, things have actually improved a little bit as I have been able to get into a little bit of a routine in the mornings with my son when he eats and then dinner intake has been halfway decent.  Overall intake has still be around 1500 calories but it has been fairly consistent which is an overall improvement.

The one interesting breakthrough that I do want to share is one where I am still processing and reacting to but it definitely struck a chord with me that has been able to kind of snap me out of this funk I have been in about being constantly down and always focused on negatives.  To elaborate a little more, I watched this movie called Courageous which was directed by Stephen and Alex Kendrick who are the same brothers who directed the movie Love Dare and the movie that recently opened in theaters called War Room.  It is an extremely powerful movie that I highly recommend to for anyone to see.  I won't go into the details about the specifics of the movie.  But, the final scene is the four main characters who are fathers that worked throughout the entire movie to establish a resolution they would sign and commit to their children, wives, and God to serve as better fathers.  I have put the link to the final scene of the movie that is what really hit me and got me thinking.   Let me know what you think of this scene and/or the movie if you have seen the movie.

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